All Cakes

Stars Birthday Cake. Pink buttercream iced, star shaped cake decorated with stars and ribbon. Everything on this cake is edible.
Zebra Pink 13th Birthday Cake. Pink buttercream iced, round decorated with a zebra print pattern, swizzles and topped with pink frosted cupcakes. Everything on this cake is edible. (Serves 8-80 party slices.)
Dale Jr Race Car Birthday cake,  Red buttercream iced, shaped cake decorated with sponsors such as  Budweiser, good year, mobile  and of course the car's infamous #8. Everything on this cake is EDIBLE.
Black and white Polka Dot 16th Birthday cake,   Black Polka dots on White Buttercream iced 2  tiered . (Serves )
Beaded 1st Birthday Cake. White buttercream iced, sheet cake decorated with candy beads. Everything on this cake is edible. (Serves 24-98 party slices.)
Daisy Birthday Cake. Green and pink buttercream iced, round 2 tiers decorated with daisies, dots and swirls. Everything on this cake is edible. (Serves 28-55 party slices.)
Ladybug and Flowers 1st Birthday Cake.  White buttercream iced, sheet cake decorated with flowers and ladybugs. A ladybug shaped cake tops this cake off. Everything on this cake is edible. (Serves 24-98 party slices.)
