All Cakes

Roulette Birthday Cake.  Chocolate and white buttercream iced, shaped cakes, decorated with roulette wheel, cards and dice. Everything on this cake is edible.
Centerpiece Cakes 1st Birthday Cake. Green buttercream iced. Round centerpiece cakes decorated with circles, dots and topped with cupcakes. Shaped 1st smashcake included.  Everything on this cake is edible.
Chocolate Tiaras Princess 1st Birthday Cake. Pink buttercream iced, round, 2 tiers decorated with chocolate tiaras and castle. Everything on this cake is edible. (Serves 28-55 party slices)
Balloon 1st Birthday Cake,  Yellow buttercream iced, 2 round tiers decorated with circles, and a balloon. Everything on this cake is EDIBLE. (Serves 28-55 party slices)
Jungle Dots 1st Birthday Cake. Green and white buttercream iced, round 3 tiers decorated with zebra faces, lion faces, dots. Everything on this cake is edible. (Serves 48-135 party slices.)
Construction 3rd Birthday Cake,  Chocolate buttercream iced,  sheet cake decorated with everything your 3 year old needs to run his own construction site. Bulldozer, backhoe, cones, jelly bean rocks, and workers.  Everything on this cake is EDIBLE.  (Plastic character figurine was provided by client). (Serves 24-98 party slices)
Buttercream Barn 1st Birthday Cake. Green and red buttercream iced, barn shaped cake decorated with cows, chickens, pigs and trees. Everything on this cake is edible.
Rock Band 16th Birthday Cake. White buttercream iced, sheet cake decorated with guitars, drums, drumsticks, and musical notes. Everything on this cake is edible. (Serves 24-98 party slices)
