All Cakes

Every celebration deserves a cake that is just as special as the person or people it is created for. For over 45 years we have been making beautiful Buttercream iced cakes for local and long distance customers.

Centerpiece Cakes 1st Birthday Cake. Green buttercream iced. Round centerpiece cakes decorated with circles, dots and topped with cupcakes. Shaped 1st smashcake included.  Everything on this cake is edible.
Butterfly Dots 1st Birthday Cake. Pink buttercream iced, round decorated with butterflies, circles and dots, topped with cupcakes. Everything on this cake is edible. (Serves 8-80 party slices.)
Fiesta Birthday Cake. Yellow buttercream iced, round decorated with flowers, dots and edible print wrap. Everything on this cake is edible. (Serves 8-80 party slices.)
Golf Birthday Cake. Green buttercream iced, round, decorated with golf balls, grass and golf tees. Everything on this cake is edible. (Serves 8-80 party slices)
Mickey and Friends 1st Birthday cake,  Blue and yellow buttercream iced, 3 round tiers decorated with stars, circles, gears, question marks and Mickey and friends figurines.  everything on this cake is EDIBLE.  (Plastic character figurine was provided by client). (Serves 48-135 party slices)
