All Cakes

Every celebration deserves a cake that is just as special as the person or people it is created for. For over 45 years we have been making beautiful Buttercream iced cakes for local and long distance customers.

Crown Jewel Birthday Cake. White buttercream iced, crown shaped cake adorned with pearls and gems. Everything on this cake is edible.
Chevy Bel Air Convertible Birthday Cake,  Red buttercream iced, shaped cake, ready to cruise with whitewall tires, striped interior and of course, the bel air emblem. There is even an exhaust pipe.  Everything on this cake is EDIBLE.
Candy Corn 1st Birthday Cake. Orange, yellow and white butercream iced candy corn shaped cake decorated with a smiley face. Everything on this cake is edible.
Beer Glass Birthday Cake, black and white buttercream iced,  sculpted cake decorated with the name of your favorite beer.  Everything on this cake is EDIBLE.  (Serves 25-50 party slices)
Polka Dots 3rd Birthday Cake. Pink buttercream iced, round 2 tiers decorated with dots and circles. Everything on this cake is edible. (Serves 28-55 party slices.)
